Latest News
September 6, 2023

Black Philanthropy Initiative Requests Proposals for Fall Inclusive Economy Grants Program

The Black Philanthropy Initiative (BPI) is now accepting applications for its Inclusive Economy grants program. For this grant cycle, BPI requests proposals that will build economic empowerment for Black households. BPI’s goal is to make Forsyth County a place where all have the resources needed to support their families. Organizations can apply for grants of up to $15,000.

We will support grant proposals that:

  • address one or more of the following areas we see as critical to building economic security and prosperity for Black households in Forsyth County: creating accessible pathways to family-sustaining and high-paying careers, offering tools for wealth-building and financial stability, and supporting a thriving community of Black-owned businesses.  
  • are making an impact within Forsyth County, NC.
  • are being implemented by a 501 (c)(3) organization, public school or higher education institution, or a faith-based organization. (Organizations that do not have 501(c)(3) status may ask another 501(c)3 organization to serve as a fiscal agent. BPI’s grants are not for businesses.)

Priority will be given to:

  • Black-led groups/organizations (Organizations with more than 50% of Black staff in leadership positions and/or more than 50% of board members are Black.)  
  • Organizations and programs that invest directly in predominately Black neighborhoods (including 27101, 27105, and 27107).
  • Organizations that are actively engaging people and communities who are directly impacted by the program, setting goals with them, and listening and responding to their guidance about how the work is implemented.

For more information or to apply online, visit Building an Inclusive Economy Grants (

Staff is available to talk through any proposal ideas and to answer any questions about the application process. For assistance, contact Courtney Feliz, strategic initiatives officer at or (336) 231-0508.  

Application deadline is midnight, Monday, October 16, 2023.